
*Execute stages are used to execute arbitrary commands against external systems such as Databases and APIs.


Since: 1.0.0 - Supports Streaming: False

The HTTPExecute takes an input Map[String, String] from the configuration and executes a POST request against a remote HTTP service. This could be used to initialise another process that depends on the output of data pipeline.


Attribute Type Required Description
name String true Name of the stage for logging.
environments Array[String] true A list of environments under which this stage will be executed. See environments documentation.
uri URI true URI of the HTTP server.
description String false An optional stage description to help document job files and print to job logs to assist debugging.
headers Map[String, String] false HTTP Headers to set for the HTTP request. These are not limited to the Internet Engineering Task Force standard headers.
payloads Map[String, String] false A set of Key/Value that will be encoded as JSON and send to the HTTP server.
validStatusCodes Array[Integer] false A list of valid status codes which will result in a successful stage if the list contains the HTTP server response code. If not provided the default values are [200, 201, 202].



  "type": "HTTPExecute",
  "name": "notify the customer api of job completion",
  "environments": [
  "uri": "http://internalserver/api/customer"


  "type": "HTTPExecute",
  "name": "notify the customer api of job completion",
  "description": "notify the customer api of job completion",
  "environments": [
  "uri": "http://internalserver/api/customer",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==",
    "custom-header": "payload"
  "payloads": {
    "jobName": "customer",
    "jobStatus": "complete"
  "validStatusCodes": [


Since: 1.0.0 - Supports Streaming: False

The JDBCExecute executes a SQL statement against an external JDBC connection.


Attribute Type Required Description
name String true Name of the stage for logging.
environments Array[String] true A list of environments under which this stage will be executed. See environments documentation.
inputURI URI true URI of the input file containing the SQL statement.
jdbcURL String true The JDBC URL to connect to. e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306.
authentication Map[String, String] false An authentication map for authenticating with a remote service. See authentication documentation.
description String false An optional stage description to help document job files and print to job logs to assist debugging.
params Map[String, String] false Map of configuration parameters. All parameters will be added to the Connection Properties.
password String false Database password for the given user. Optional, can also be in the url or params.
sqlParams Map[String, String] false Parameters to inject into the SQL statement before executing. The parameters use the ${} format.
user String false Database username to connect as. Optional, can also be in the url or params.



  "type": "JDBCExecute",
  "name": "execute the load date table",
  "environments": [
  "inputURI": "hdfs://datalake/sql/update_customer_load_date.sql",
  "jdbcURL": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/customer"


  "type": "JDBCExecute",
  "name": "execute the load date table",
  "description": "execute the load date table",
  "environments": [
  "inputURI": "hdfs://datalake/sql/update_customer_load_date.sql",
  "jdbcURL": "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/customer",
  "authentication": {},
  "params": {},
  "password": "mypassword",
  "sqlParams": {
    "current_timestamp": "2018-11-24 14:48:56"
  "user": "myuser"


Since: 1.0.8 - Supports Streaming: False

The KafkaCommitExecute takes the resulting DataFrame from a KafkaExtract stage and commits the offsets back to Kafka. This is used so that a user is able to perform a quasi-transaction by specifing a series of stages that must be succesfully executed prior to committing the offset back to Kafka. To use this stage ensure that the autoCommit option on the KafkaExtract stage is set to false.

For example, if a job reads from a Kafka topic and writes the results to parquet then it would be good to ensure the ParquetLoad stage had completed successfully before updating the offset in Kafka.


Attribute Type Required Description
name String true Name of the stage for logging.
environments Array[String] true A list of environments under which this stage will be executed. See environments documentation.
inputView String true Name of incoming Spark dataset.
bootstrapServers String true A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster. e.g. host1:port1,host2:port2,...
groupID String true A string that uniquely identifies the group of consumer processes to which this consumer belongs. This will retain the offset of the job between executions.
description String false An optional stage description to help document job files and print to job logs to assist debugging.



  "type": "KafkaCommitExecute",
  "name": "update the offsets in kafka after processing data",
  "environments": [
  "inputView": "customer",
  "bootstrapServers": "kafka:29092",
  "groupID": "spark-customer-extract-job"


Since: 1.0.9 - Supports Streaming: True

The PipelineExecute stage allows the embedding of another Arc pipeline within the current pipeline. This means it is possible to compose pipelines together without having to serialise and deserialise the results.

An example use case could be a pipeline which defines how your organisation defines active customer records which could then be embedded in multiple downstream pipelines to ensure definition consistency.


Attribute Type Required Description
name String true Name of the stage for logging.
environments Array[String] true A list of environments under which this stage will be executed. See environments documentation.
uri String true URI of the input file containing the definition of the pipeline to include.
authentication Map[String, String] false An authentication map for authenticating with a remote service. See authentication documentation.
description String false An optional stage description to help document job files and print to job logs to assist debugging.



  "type": "PipelineExecute",
  "name": "embed the active customer pipeline",
  "environments": [
  "uri": "hdfs://datalake/jobs/active_customers.json"


  "type": "PipelineExecute",
  "name": "embed the active customer pipeline",
  "description": "embed the active customer pipeline",
  "environments": [
  "uri": "hdfs://datalake/jobs/active_customers.json",
  "authentication": {}